exclusive diaryland update.
10/28/04|12:32 p.m.

hello, diaryland loves.

I am still alive. actually more alive than I was the last time I was here. it's a progressive thing. (yeay.) I have once again done not such a good job of x-posting the entries written at my livejournal, but I've basically caught it up now. so that's there, for your reading pleasure. :> also, I have gotten notes and e-mail, and I'm really behind, so if I haven't responded yet, know it's my issue, and don't be too upset! (please!) ...also I just saw that I have two guestbook notes, (yeay) so I wanted to (re?)iterate that signmyguestbook.com has quit e-mailing me when someone signs my guestbook. it can take me a long time to notice, so just know that. notes and e-mail work better, but you're still free to sign if you don't mind the (even longer) wait.

and um, I'm still trying to figure out how I want to deal with the fact that I like and miss diaryland, while liking other aspects of livejournal... so for a little while, things are still going to be cuckoo here. apologies for that, and even moreso for the fact that I'm so behind on all of your journals. I have read everyone's most recent entry (I mean everyone on my buddy list, minus Heather because I can't get into your journal... if I'm supposed to able still, let me know, ok?) and am trying to catch up, but scary as it is, I'm starting to have a life. which will not take away from journaling or having relationships, it's just new to me, and I haven't figured out how to manage my time effectively yet. so. I'll figure it out eventually.

I'm going to be a pirate for a Halloween... I'm currently trying to decide if I want to re-dye my hair before Halloween (meaning it'll be in the really intense, not my favorite blue) or after Halloween (meaning it'll remain the rather faded, not my favorite blue)... I have blue-haired pictures up; if you want to see them, let me know; I'll e-mail you the link. apparently, they're amusing (to people who aren't me. yeay.) I'm pissed off at my illness and worried about a friend. but that's pretty much in the other entries I've posted so, I'll move along now. thanks for continuing to hang around, even though I'm a bit of a flake lately. muah.

