even one's too many.
08/11/04|8:35 p.m.

::bangs head against... pillow:: (just because something makes me crazy doesn't mean I have to hurt my noggin...)

ok. so. "end discrimination against pro-anas"? stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid misguided goal. I don't know how it's possible for someone who is in recovery to look at the term "ana" or "mia" as a noun, not just an abbreviation of disease (nice of them to leave out "bully" (buli) and "wrecks" (rex), doncha think?) but as a substitute for being, person, woman, girl, man, boy, ANYTHING. to consider someone not only "ana" but "an ana" is so completely disturbing to me. and then we have this pro-ana bullshit, this insistence that it's a political or social issue, that it's about *prejudice.* how are we allowing this to continue? my GOD. I know I've said it a million times, but... how, why, why? OW, why, why? ...clinging to the disease as the right thing, as the only way, as a choice, as a way of living - that's all legitimately part of being sick, and I won't jump on *anyone* for feeling that (with the exception of myself sometimes, when I forget to be kind.) but to declare the denouncement of "pro-ana lifestyles" discriminatory or prejudicial gives the "lifestyle" (a.k.a. lethal disease) far more respect than it deserves. it pretends that an illness which has fucked with your mind is as valid as say, your race, your gender, your sexual orientation. yes, I think we need to respect all people, including all people who are sick, including all people who have eating disorders. but acting like the anti-glorification work is prejudicial is a dangerously wrong move. it respects the disease instead of the person. I know this sounds like the most condescending statement in the world, but damnit: I won't accept your pro-ed standpoint as a valid belief or character trait because I respect you. I will not respect the illness that is attempting to murder you. Sorry. I just won't. the fact that you don't see it as an illness doesn't change things for me. because if you could see it as an illness, it wouldn't work "so well" as a coping mechanism, and you wouldn't be so sick. I know how hard it is to be treated like a know-nothing around your own life, but believe it or not - despite every ounce of sympathy and compassion flooding through me - I would rather continue *insisting* I know better about this one part of your life than see you lose it.

infuriating. for both of us. heartbreaking, too. sometimes I hate this war.

...could someone go smack George Bush? I just think I'll feel better if someone's smacked upside the head for putting *more* problems into this world...

