06/19/04|10:24 p.m.

I'm going out with my dad tomorrow, and I have no idea what we're doing. I can't get a hold of my brother - as in, his phone's not working and there's *no way for me to reach him - which is not only logistically difficult, it's unsettling. my sister's sick. like, they've run every possible test in the universe sick. and they're all coming back negative, which is good; it means that what we thought was going on really is going on... she has some sort of ... well, I was going to call it involuntary bulimia, but I think it freaks me out just a little too much to use an eating disorder label. basically, ever since she was little, she's responded to stress by vomiting. and now it's back, and it's obviously not good, and they're trying to help her. there are some other things, too, but I guess that's the core of it. and I'm too tired to write any of what I wanted to write tonight - about the positively *cute* session with the doc and the visit Thursday - (I think I'm still coming off the migraine, although - thankfully - the only symptom today is fatigue)... but I just wanted to get these few things out of my head. I'll hear from John, even if it's after tomorrow, and I end up going out with my dad alone. I'll be ok with my dad, even though I'm in pain... and who knows, maybe he'll want to see Harry Potter or something. I don't have to feel awful about not having called Sara because it's equally true that Sara has not called me, and we both understand that this happens sometimes. I know she's thinking of me, I'm thinking of her, and we're probably both feeling guilty, and wanting to talk, and too overwhelmed with everything to actually talk... arg. but I can only assume she's ok. (and there's a photo of her right here on my desk, and I adore her...) my other Sarah, my original Sarah, will also be ok. I think the test the day before yesterday was the last one; I think everything else they were worried about has been ruled out. so now she knows that it is pyschologically rooted, and she and the doctors can fight it off without worrying that they're overlooking a symptom of another problem. I can hitch a ride on the without-worrying bandwagon, too.

ah, the headache approaches. ok. I'm going to bed, and I'm going to dream happy dreams. (maybe my feathered hope is Hedwig after all.)

